Some Great Website Promotion Resources

Website Promotion Resources
If you have a website, you’ve probably spent at least some time promoting it. While there are obviously a number of different ways to promote your website online, here are a few resources that will give you a great starting point in your quest to increase traffic to your website.

Google Website Promotion Resources

Google is one of the largest search engines out there and the dominant search engine in many countries. Google also offers a number of tools that can help you promote your website online. Here are a few of the more useful ones:

  • Google AdWords – Targeted pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. If done right, AdWords can bring a lot of traffic to your website.
  • Google Webmaster Tools – This helps you see how Google sees your site. It’s great for seeing if your webpage has any dead links or invalid URLs. You’ll also be able to see which keywords Google associates with your website. This is invaluable information that can help you improve your search ranking greatly. Google provides some more information on the Webmaster Central page.
  • Google Keyword Tool – This tool helps you come up with keywords to focus on. You can rank keywords by competitiveness to see how difficult may be to rank highly for a certain term.
  • Google Places – If you run a business, you’ll want to rank highly on Google Places.
Social Media Marketing Tools
Social media is an incredible way to market your website. Both Twitter and Facebook have pages set up to help businesses use their services more effectively.
Of course, these tools are just the beginning. However, once you’ve got yourself set up and sorted out on all of these services, you’ll be on the right path!
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